Tip Rules
The large fine printSubmit a signing tip that you know about and we don't and earn points towards a 6 month SigningsHotline DeLuxe Bronze membership or extension of your current membership .
Earn 12 points and receive a 6 month SigningsHotline DeLuxe Bronze membership. Already a paid SigningsHotline DeLuxe member? No problem. We will extend your current membership level by 6 months. So if you are a SigningsHotline Deluxe Gold member, we will extend your DeLuxe Gold account by 6 months.
Realistically, find us 1 tip a month and you would never have to pay for SigningsHotline DeLuxe!
We are looking for your local events, not the big promoters. We are looking for the signing at the local car dealership. Or your team's FanFest. Or the signing at the local Sprint PCS Store. Or the signing at your local team's clubhouse shop. Or the signing at the local sports bar. Or the signing at the local sports card shop. You get the point. We are looking for the local events from your local newspaper.
When you find a tip, email us at info@signingshotline.com.
Here are the rules:
- SigningsHotline.com has final say as to what is considered a tip.
- Different tips have different values. See below.
- The listing must not be on SigningsHotline DeLuxe
- The listing must not be in Sports Collectors Digest. We have those listings already
- The listing must include a phone number in case we need additional information
- You must provide the source of the tip, the website URL of the page you found it, newspaper, etc.
- Except for FanFests, open practices, etc. with a large group of players, we would need the player's name
- If multiple players are signing at the same event, it counts as a single tip
- If the same event is going on for more than one day, it counts as a single tip
- If the same promoter is having a recurring event, it is counted as one tip
- Multiple tips taken from a single source count as a single tip
- Although we appreciate the info, we will only give credit for the original tip, not for additions to any event
- You must be the first person to present the tip to us with ALL the proper information. We will go by email times.
- Sorry, this is not retroactive. Only tips going forward will count.
- Sorry, promoters are not eligible.
The following list of promoters are on our regular weekly checklist so tips from them are not necessary
Tip Values:
Three Point Tips must include the following:
- Player's name
- Not a minor league or college athlete
- Location name and street address
- Date and time
- Promoter's name
- Source of tip
- Tip source must state there is an autograph signing session
- Promoter's phone number
- A promoter's email address that we currently do not have in our database. By "promoter" we mean a card shop or autograph promoter. NOT a retail chain store, car dealer or sports team, etc.
Two Point Tips must include the following:
- Player's name
- Not a minor league or college athlete
- Location name and street address
- Date and time
- Promoter's name
- Source of tip
- Tip source must state there is an autograph signing session
- Promoter's phone number
One Point Tips must include the following (Will appear on Odds & Ends):
- Player's name or Miscellaneous
- Location name
- Promoter's name
- Promoter's phone number
- Source of tip
- Tip source may state there is an autograph signing session or if SigningsHotline.com believes there is a reasonable chance that autographs will be given
- We will give one point to those who follow-up with additional player information on miscellaneous tips EVEN IF you didn't provide the original tip!
Odd and Ends (Thank you, but we do not give DeLuxe credit for these)
- Player's name OR Miscellaneous
- Location name
- Primarily non-autograph appearance events such as banquets, golf outings, blood drives, etc.
Featured Events
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(This spot could be yours for as low as $200! Click here!)

Cardboard Promotions
/ Upcoming Massachusetts card shows / Ending //Advertise here
(This spot could be yours for as low as $100! Click here!)
(This spot could be yours for as low as $100! Click here!)

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(This spot could be yours for as low as $50! Click here!)
(This spot could be yours for as low as $50! Click here!)